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First of all, it is necessary to remember that the organism of dog is differed from our. From one side we and dog relate to the mammals with the similar system of digestion. But we relate to the omnivorous, and dog to the carnivorous. They have more volumetric stomach, somewhat different composition of digestive juices, shorter bowels. We with the dogs master the same products differently. Hence - difference in the rations of man and dog. Basic requirement for any ration - these are its balance and the high quality of the components of components finished industrial fodders.


Today there is a large selection of high-quality finished it is stern. In essence they are by dry fodder, canned foods and canine dainties. The canned foods of dog eat, possibly, and with the great pleasure, but this version on the price is accessible to not each owner. But if one considers that meat canned foods after they opened them, they do not be subject to storage, then selection is obvious. Dry fodders be inferior in no way to canned foods, moreover, they better are stored, they more correspond to the requirements of elementary hygiene. Required requirement with the use of dry it is stern - this is the access of dog to the water. "dainties" it is necessary at least to owner to receive as lure and to give them only in small quantities (as encouragement with the training and the instruction), since dainties can become serious unbalance even with the ideal fodder. By the way, precisely, dainties are the reason for the refusal of dog of the basic fodder and the appearance in the house of capricious and priveredlivoy in the food four-footed rogue.


Practically it is not with the raising of puppies on the qualitative natural dry fodder (lamb with the rice, rabbit with the salmon) of problems with the nourishment. Puppies are energetic and are healthy, in them beautiful fur and excellent tone. The balanced fodder will help to ensure harmonious increase and development of skeleton, teeth and musculature. Dry fodders are subdivided into different groups in the energy value, the content of vitamins and mineral substances and consider the needs of dog to the old age. Natural dry fodders - this of fodder without the artificial preservatives and the gustatory additives. The existing opinion that the dog is necessary diverse nourishment in our view groundless. In all dogs the increased acidity and they considerably better themselves feel on the monotonous food. When small puppy take into its the new "family" desirable at least several days to give to it customary fodder for the puppies, so that the process of habituation to the new environment would not be complicated even and by the disturbance of digestion because of the unusual nourishment. The immune system of any puppy is not yet very stable at this time and therefore it must not superfluously be overloaded. On the basis this better to continue to feed puppy with that fodder, which the factory owner used, or to wait still several days with the transfer into the new fodder. Transfer into the new fodder must be carried out during as the minimum of 3-4 days. It is better, if this is period during 7 - 10 days.


It is better to acquire previously basin for the puppy. Today this is not problem. In any pet store it is possible to acquire special basin for the dogs from nerzhaveyki with the rubber strip on the bottom edge. Such basins are sufficiently steady, they do not slide on the floor, it is easy to keep clean them, but the main thing - is difficult to gnaw round. Puppies can be fed from the support, whose height is determined the delay time of the elbow of dog or on 5 10 cm higher. With the growth of puppy it is possible to raise support. The steady rise-and-fall counter with two basins is sufficiently convenient. Moreover, in one basin always must be fresh water. One should say that in the case with THE PUPPY support and counter - this faster means of hygiene, than means for the formation of the correct carriage of puppy.


At the age 8 - 10 weeks of puppies feed 3-4 times a day. Half-year old PUPPIES obtain the fodder of 2-3 times in the day. Moreover, it is desirable rations to divide not simply in half, but to give third of fodder in the morning even two thirds in the evening. Those recommendations, which it is possible, you will meet in the extensive literature, unfortunately, it is not always scientific. As a rule, you the beret of the puppy, that is already transferred by factory owner into the dry fodder with 3-4 feedings. First error - increase of the quantity of feedings to 5-6 during the day, in accordance with the "conventional recommendations". Too frequent a feeding of puppies - real reason for a number of the diseases of the digestive tract of dogs. Bowels of dog resembles the rectilinear pipe, in which the food is not too and for long. The task of canine bowels - to rapidly master the necessary quantity of maximally useful food and for 4-6 it is hour it to partially rework. Everything, that it does not be subject to rapid mastering - is not mastered, it is ejected with the feces. With 5-6 single feeding the bowels of your dog works practically continously (not to confuse s "without interruption"!)


For the first time 6 months of life - the basic phase of the growth of puppy the organism of puppy must carry out great work. With the feeding of puppy by high-quality united fodder for the puppies OF AVERAGE and LARGE species, your puppy is optimally supplied with necessary for the increase and the development by substances. Such fodders, which with the feeding it is exceptional only by them, are called united fodders, they ensure a sufficient and balanced supply of average, healthy dog by all necessary for it nutrients, with vitamins and by microcells (+ damp water with the dry fodder). Should be focused attention: data on the rations the kilogram of the weight of puppy are indicated from the calculation for the average dog (approximately with 2-5 hours of motion during the day) with the normal weight and from the fact of the feeding of the exceptionally designating fodder. AMSTAFF - average dog; therefore for puppies is necessary fodder precisely for the puppies of the intermediate rocks with the increased content of protein and the increased content of the minerals, which facilitate the harmonious formation of the structure of the bones and musculature. To puppies it is necessary taking into account rock special features (increased need for the minerals): - 1-2 times a week one feeding to substitute become fresh (damp!) by marine fish, and, fish to give together with the bones and the head (it is possible to bore through the meat grinder); - slightly to salt the fodder (including of dry) sea I will pour off; - from October through April to give vitamin De (compulsorily in the aqueous solution) from calculation 1 of drop for each complete month of the life of puppy; - to consult relative to individual mineral feeding for your puppy.


Try to distribute the hours of feeding evenly and you do not feed it before the training and the jaunt. After the feeding of puppy it is possible to derive temporarily from the house and to give to it the possibility to facilitate stomach. Amstaff - flock animal, and it will prefer, most likely, there is together with all members of "flock". If in the morning and in the evening entire your family is gathered at the table, then puppy can be fed at this time. Only on no account give to it food earlier than to people, otherwise in puppy will appear confidence in its "special" position in the family.


Resolution of this question remains to your discretion, but it is possible to recommend to feed puppy, where family eats. Place must be quiet and calm, in any case, not on the passage so that the people and the domestic animals would not interfere with puppy, otherwise it will solve, that in it they attempt to select food, it will hurry and it can choke. IF PUPPY BADLY EATS If you responsible person, then you they can constantly torture doubts, and correctly whether you feed puppy. Do not tear to pieces itself. Simplest method to learn, everything in the order, to follow the appearance, the behavior of puppy and its excrements. Pover'te, veterinary surgeons already conducted labor-consuming studies in order in the precautionary measures to exclude the presence of the organic reasons for the poor method of fodder, to the happiness - in the majority of the cases without result. Thus, the less your confidence in its own principles and rules of the feeding of puppy, the more clearly are manifested shchenyach'i principles. Amstaff - dog is capable of observing this, of studying, of generalizing and of drawing conclusions already from the most tender age. The principle of "poor consumer" in the transfer into our language sounds approximately thus: dainty is clearly tastier than daily fodder in the basin. Since the mistress (owner) grows gloomy because I badly eat, already tomorrow to me they will again propose any completely special dainty. It is necessary only to know how patiently to await. At the worst, I will be shut by patient, who die from the exhaustion by small лnockom- orphan, who suffers from "zhlobstva" of thick masters. Umnen'kiye "sick shchenochki" obtain everything that they will want and how much they will want, here only it is possible to the malicious veterinarian to be plucked... Thus, if veterinary surgeon makes diagnosis, that the puppy "is organically healthy" and the proposed fodder is good for your puppy in every respect, it is necessary to make the following: 1. to understand simple, already possible familiar to you the axiom: "organically healthy" dog cannot die of the hunger next to the basin of the complete of fodder! In the fight of natures precisely you must leave by conqueror. Otherwise - this the first subsidence loss in the chain of tests on "is weak" in the complex interrelations with amstaffom. Moreover, in the process of the raising of the dogs of any species appears the need for unloading days without going into details of digestion, we declare with the responsibility: unloading days contribute to an increase in the lifetime of your dog. 2. taking into account the complete understanding of point 1, you must appear the specific sequence and force already puppy to master the following truths: - the fodder, selected by owner, is only on the solid order; - if we forego ourselves the fodder, then it is possible "to go for a walk" hungry to the following feeding; - dainties are given only for the excellently executed work and it is clearly insufficient them in order by them to be satiated; - the "hunger strike" of unhappy sobachen'ki does not cause in the owner of desperate efforts in so that that not it would begin it to feed.


"BIG ASS '" of puppies with the very good appetite, although it appears dearly, it is the dangerous symptom of excess weight, which presses to the even softer bones, the cartilages, the connective tissues and the joints. Over-feeding puppy, you already prepare soil for the future, frequently irreparable defects by your hands. For these reasons for the puppies, predisposed to the completeness, from the very beginning one should feed "restrictive", i.e., it is faster less than it is more. One should remember that at the end of the replacement of teeth, a day quantity of calories, and depending on it the ration, necessary for the puppy of amtaffa, is reduced. The indicated on the packings rations are average data, which must serve only as initial and feeding by the exclusively this fodder for the satisfaction of the day need of dog for the nourishment is the condition of calculation. Therefore the required ration is individually selected taking into account the "comprehensibility of fodder" by each separate dog. In dogs "grow prettier comprehensibility" the actually necessary ration it can be considerably below. If in the healthy puppy of sterns systematically it remains, then should be decreased its portion. And, on the contrary, if puppy constantly licks basin, for long not otkhodya from it after feeding, portion should be increased. There is a type of puppies, which it is possible to name "consumers", simpler - by "gluttons". These it is necessary to check with the aid of it is weight and consultations with the veterinary surgeon. Moreover, weights - last argument precisely for you. To us with you on its own experience it is already known that the thicker the fatty layer, the worse for the health. This and spin, and joints, and heart, and blood circulation, and the liver... Enchanted circle: the more the kilograms we bear, the more easily to still it is add in the weight, and dogs in this case exception do not be. Special feature of puppy - very exuberance. Result - conflict between the large mass of dog and the children's bones and the bonds. You remember, for the puppy of amtaffa it is better to be emaciated than thick, with the curved paws. At first we form backbone, and only then increase muscular mass.


During the selection it is stern for the dog necessary, first of all, to be oriented toward the producer, well recommended itself on the market it is stern. Unfortunately, today is sold a large quantity it is stern the low quality, which cause in animals allergy, different disorders of digestion, and the and systemic poisoning of organism. Some of them sufficient Boyko were advertised or are advertised on the television. What here it is possible to say? We hope that the owners of amtaffov the balanced people with a good feeling of humor. If you select fodder without the recommendations of factory owner or veterinary surgeon, if you please, focus attention not only to the composition of fodder, but also to the presence of artificial preservatives, gustatory additives and dyes. Such fodders also can cause unpleasant consequences for your puppy. More reasonable to use the natural fodders, preserved by vitamins (for example, vitamin s or vitamin E). It does not be worthwhile to feed the puppies of amtaffov with the fodders, which contain at their basis chicken and soya. It is better to already stop its attention in the "lamb with the rice". At least, this meat of lamb, but not by-products. Meat of lamb and purified fig are the easily mastered products. Originally fodder "lamb with the rice" was developed for the dogs with the increased sensitivity, inclined to the allergic manifestations. This fodder, as a rule, is the considerably dehydrated (dehydrated) meat, which is been the valuable source of the protein and other nutrients. If the meat of lamb costs on the label on the first - second place, and not on the third, then this is the sign of the fact that contains fodder sufficiently precisely meat of lamb. To generally, attentively read label on the bag with the fodder - very good habit. All components it is stern for the dogs they are enumerated on the label in the descending order. Components in the beginning of list are more nourishing than component at the end of the list. Comparing prices, do not concentrate attention exclusively to the absolute cost. Yes, natural high-quality dry fodders are always more expensive. But calculate the exemplary daily expenditure of fodder and you will estimate the cost of nourishment in a 24 hour period. You remember that, as a rule, to dog is required less than the expensive fodder and it is more than cheap. In this case should be considered the presence of too great a quantity of forgeries. Alas, the "specific character" of today's Russian market did not go around by its attention and canine fodders! Therefore besides the selection of firm- producer you should be determined also with the salesman, to whom it is possible to entrust.








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