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Also very recently even competent in the cynology people, after hearing the word of "handling", they asked: "A that this such?". Today this concept already solidly was fastened in the lexicon of each dog breeder. In reality, the profession "khendler" exists ever since, when people began to carry out the exhibitions of dogs. Simply in Russian such people were called "deriving", just as in the demonstration of horses. But the word of "khendling" (from the English "hand" - hand, "handling" - driving (cynologique.), handler - conducting) did arrive into our custom only if to carry out examination on the Russian exhibitions did begin foreign experts, Russia in many respects did begin to be equal to the West, and exhibitions themselves from the zootechnical measures swiftly did become show, holiday and reckless of the hobby of many people, them they did begin to carry out almost each output, did acquire new sense concept "the exhibition career of sobaki".I nevertheless, who such of khendler? According to the simplest definition, this is specialist in the demonstration of dogs in the exhibition ring. But Americans, for example, use a word of "khendler" also in the training, for the designation of man, which trains dog instead of the owner. In our understanding, khendler prepares dog for the exhibitions, he trains and trains, and then the result of its work in the ring shows. It knows how to winning emphasize all merits of dog and to at the same time hide its deficiencies from the view of expert. Khendler can be specialist in one or several species of dogs, but it is very complicated to itself to present khendlera on all species, indeed the essence of demonstration and preparation in the fact that the dog must be advanced in the manner, acceptable for this species, and for this it is necessary to thoroughly study standard, rock special features of psyche, to often have specific physical data, and still good to know, what criteria places as the chief concern one or other expert or another, to previously weigh the possibilities of competitors, to have an experience of rotation and, after all, to manufacture his individual style of the demonstration of species. Probably, to more easily become expert "all round", than by khendlerom, capable is equally good to show the dogs of all of porod.Na the matter itself, to be khendlerom it is very complicated and it is interesting. Khendling - this is the synthesis of the profound knowledge of many of the fields of cynology, thin understanding of psychology of dogs, innate artistic taste, sport ardor, taste, feeling of measure and, certainly, a constant grinding of craftsmanship. Success accompanies far from each; acknowledgement, as the result of prolonged labor, obtain ones. Good khendlera they always value, indeed from it in many respects depends the success of dog. In each khendlera are their special features the "secrets". But in order to competently demonstrate dog "in entire krase", it is necessary to know the basic principles of demonstration and to manage its different methods. The enormous value with the demonstration motions of dog have. Their nature depends not only on the innate qualities and the trained state of dog on the lynx, but also on the rate, which will assign khendler, from the manner selected with it to hold guide, from coating of floor and dimensions of ring. During the motion before khendlerom stands the task of opening the potential of dog, giving to it to move maximally raskovanno, but not raskhlyabanno, zainteresovanno, but not perevozbuzhdenno, taking into account that the deficiencies, thoroughly hidden in the counter, often are manifested during the motion. The methods of demonstration named above are distinguished by the demonstration of motions, but it is not so striking as by setting into the counter. In essence, dog dvizhetsya next to khendlerom, "in step", or only in front of it. Frequently on the large specialized exhibitions in Europe they carry out "Handler Training", where invite highly professional khendlery on this species, which during the day train associates for the secrets of their craftsmanship, they demonstrate dogs, to the video recording of the great victories of their wards shows. They do not hold in the secret their small craftinesses, knowing that the guarantee of success - only personal experience is plus talent and success.










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